Tonight, I stumbled across a nice example of a technology creator trying to bypass the network orchestrator, be it on micro level. 

Since my wife wasn’t home tonight (don’t worry, I do prepare most meals over here) I ordered food at (or if you’re not living in the Netherlands). Upon delivering my sushi, the lady ‘kindly’ pushed me to order via their own website, rather than through “So you will save money, and we will be able to make some profit too”. 

Now one could debate whether that sushi was too cheap, but more interestingly is it to look at how far a network orchestrator can go. What is allowed when all vendors have 4,5 star ratings and price pretty much becomes you’re only differentiator? How high can transaction costs be if the network orchestrator is the market leader? What does this mean for multi-channel marketing? What are the benefits and drawbacks of bypassing the hand that feeds you? 

More in general, it just makes me more curious what the long term life expectancy of the Network Orchestrator business model will be. The only thing that is constant is change is what the old Heraclitus said. And so it will be. So what’s next when it comes to business models? What is the evolution that comes beyond the network orchestrator? And will that be an even more profitable business model? 

Gotta go now. Sushi’s calling. 

Categories: Life


William is a Dutch millennial with a clear passion for two things: marketing and technology. Being a marketing lead at a multinational IT company in the Microsoft ecosystem, he is able able to bring these two passions together. Plunge into the new exiting stuff on the technology front, to transform that into compelling stories that makes people go "Oh. Right. Hadn't looked at things in that way yet!".